HOCKEY MAHARASHTRA is the recognized body to manage, control and administer the game of Hockey in the State. It is a permanent member unit of Hockey India and affiliated to the Maharashtra Olympic Association. Hockey Maharashtra has 3 players in the current Indian Junior Women’s Hockey Team and 1 player in the probable for Olympics for Senior Indian Men’s team.
Hockey Maharashtra has an experience of hosting a total of five (5) national championships in the past. These national championships have been across age groups and conducted with the highest standard of professionalism resulting in superior performance of players and selection for the Indian National team.
HOCKEY MAHARASHTRA is devoted to fostering and providing a high-quality hockey environment all across Maharashtra State in order to give all the players, coaches, referees and managers every opportunity to enjoy the game of hockey and to help them achieve their maximum potential as participants in this sport, while at all times promoting a sense of fair play.
To promote hockey as the ultimate sports activity all across Maharashtra State and provide the required support, technical knowhow, services and opportunities for our volunteers, players, coaches, referees and managers to enjoy, have fun and thrive in this beautiful sport.